“Salt & Pepper Mills Handcrafted in Elegant Designs
  from Rare and Exotic Hardwoods”.
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About Us
Care Document
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bruce Morgan and I created Morgan-Millworks as an expression of two passionate interests; woodworking and cooking with hot spices. This passion is expressed in the form of elegant and timeless Salt & Pepper Mill designs, handcrafted in rare woods combining superior functionality with the highest standards of workmanship.

Our mills are unique in many ways and do not look like mills made anywhere else. My designs are originas and the mills are handcrafted from a single piece of figured exotic hardwood. While our woods are rare and exotic, we only purchase them from reputable suppliers who import legal and sustainably harvested woods. The pleasure of owning a piece of functional art
from Morgan-Millworks should not be a guilty one.

The other side of our business centers around providing the best quality peppercorns found anywhere. We sell only whole peppercorns and distinct varietals. Why? Because there is
no such things as "gourmet ground pepper" (unless you ground it yourself within the preceding 30 minutes) and because each growing region for pepper has a distinct terroir and flavor characteristics just like wine or coffee.

Finding these pure varieties is not easy. Most of the world has ignored the USA as a market for premium spices as we have become accustomed to price driven products and low quality. Your taste buds might get a wake-up call after you try our products.

We also offer flavorful sea-salts from around the world. Salt and pepper are the two most important seasonings in the world and have been for most of recorded history.

Morgan-Millworks products are available via direct purchase at select Food & Wine or Art Shows in the Western USA.

 Thanks for visiting and have a pepper day!